Thursday, October 29, 2009

Honor Past Due

I'd like to propose a Constitutional Amendment:

"The President of the United States of America shall be required to personally honor every citizen-soldier fallen in the service of his or her country during that President's term of office. Such act will include but not be limited to the President's presence at the return of the physical remains of every soldier to American soil. There shall be no exceptions."

President Obama took responsibility this morning for his actions. George Bush never had the guts to do this.

How will the right attack him for it? Let us count the ways....


krid said...

Don't focus on the coffin, focus on Obama. Nice touch; speaks volumes.

Anonymous said...

The Messiah only got one of the eighteen families to o.k. the photo op with their departed loved one. Why didn't the other seventeen families approve? Must be racist
Nice pic