I can't help but hope, though - and I think Sen. Kennedy might not be adverse to this - that the Democrats will be strengthened by his passing rather than weakened. With renewed vigor and a desire to "Do It for Teddy!" they can return to Washington and get a real health care package passed in both houses of Congress. NOW IS THE TIME!
I know Kennedy was a great believer in compromise, but there is no room for compromise in health care. We have to have it and we have to have a public option. Without a public option, health care will only further subsidize the insurance companies, providing no leverage for the people to use against them - and our tax money will pay for it.
With a public option, we can fight. Because this is a fight, for our rights. I believe that health care is a fundamental right in America - let's call it something catchy like "promoting the general welfare," eh? - and NOW IS THE TIME!
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