Wednesday, September 2, 2009

It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Craaaazy! Ev'rywhere You Go!

Man, I was gonna write about sitcoms today. Seriously. I'm always wanting to write about sitcoms. In fact, I've always wanted to write for sitcoms but that's a whole 'nother story.

Instead, I bring you...VERY ANGRY WHITE FOLKS! Yeah! Anger! Yeah! White! Yeah! White? Not much else to say except I really need to talk to the genuis at about one minute twenty seconds, who somehow managed to distort the space-time continuum and put a several hundred year old wooden warship inside of a small paper pamphlet! This guy's our next Einstein, I tells ya!

Did I mention crazy? Seriously, these folks have opened the Crazy Door, put out the Crazy Welcome Mat and stocked the Crazy Fridge full of Crazy Cola for the Big Crazy Party.

Personally, I don't hate them. I actually feel great pity for them. They are scared because the man in the White House ain't white no more. And evidently that's the only sense of identity they have. Their lives are meaningless without the prop of their skin color. Very sad. But they only get one boo-hoo from me and that was it.

Bye, crazies!

1 comment:

gomonkeygo said...

Yes, they are crazy and afraid. And the fear comes from ignorance. "Socialism" is a word that was equated with un-Americanism in the 30s in particular to quell labor unrest and enrich the pockets of capitalists. It's never lost that stigma, which is especially sad because it's often the working class that gets screwed up into a frenzy by the elite with the word, when it's against their better interests to do so.

Makes ya wanna puke, don't it?

Thanks for the comment!