Thursday, May 15, 2008

What We Are Striving For

Here's Rep. Henry Waxman today, from his endorsement of Barack Obama:

"The moment President Obama takes office, we'll send a powerful message to the world that America is back and ready to lead again--that we haven't abandoned the values that made us the light of the world, and neither should anyone else."

Kudos, Waxy! And I dig that crazy lipcover, too, man - it's totally you!

Seriously, though, Rep. Waxman, you nailed one of the reasons I'm voting for Obama. The America I love is an inspirational leader, not a bully. The America I love is a beacon of enlightenment, not a bonfire of enemies. The America I love is the America that Barack Obama loves and wants to restore.

Vote Obama!

Now playing: E.I.E.I.O. - Blue Mountaintop
via FoxyTunes

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